据欧洲媒体报道,由于近期欧洲持续的高温干旱,流经多个国家的西欧第一大河莱茵河(Rhine River),水位严重下降,这一情况导致需要通过驳船从鹿特丹和安特卫普港转运到其德国,法国,瑞士和奥地利等国的货物,将可能严重延误!
Inland transportation by barge to and from Rotterdam and Antwerp is currently severely delayed as a result of extreme low water levels on the river Rhine. The water level of the Upper Rhine area is getting close to a critical point and barge operators are either forced to seize their operations or can only use 1/3 of their capacity. In following days we predict delays especially in South Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria.
These extreme conditions on the Upper Rhine will in the immediate future also affect Mid and Lower Rhine, where similar measures are to be expected.
Cargo flows from barge will be moved to other modes of transportation, such as rail and truck, resulting in scarce capacities there.